Grab a ball or anything that rolls and is soft and play a game of catch. Roll the ball back and forth and talk to your child about what is happening.

See what your child is learning

Brain building can be just this simple. This game helps your child learn to pay attention and remember the rules. Chatting while you do it adds new words to their vocabulary too.

Related Age Guides

2 Years

Discover how your toddler learns, and find events, programs, and tips to help support their growth.

3 Years

Your child's memory is blossoming! Discover how your toddler learns and find resources to help you support their growth.

4 Years

Children learn so much in Pre-K! Find out what to expect this year and discover resources to help support your child's growth.

5 Years

Your five-year-old is learning and growing! Find events, programs, and tips to help support them.

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