Counseling & Mental Health

Take care of your emotional wellness & relieve stress

A young man looking for mental health support over the phone

Sometimes you may feel overwhelmed with school, family, friends, partners, and other life issues. If your feelings are getting in the way of daily activities, talking to a counselor or other trained professional can be helpful. There are many places where you can find someone who will listen to you, whenever you need.

You can also make simple lifestyle changes to support your mental health and help you feel stronger and more confident.

Tools to boost your mental health

  • Lean on your friends: Listening, laughing, and building friendships can help relieve stress.
  • Get enough sleep: Shoot for 7 to 9 hours per night.
  • Help others: Volunteering, helping a neighbor with groceries, and other acts of kindness can increase happiness and reduce stress.
  • Exercise: Physical activity can reduce stress, anger, and anxiety.
  • Get outdoors: Being around nature can help you improve and maintain emotional wellness.
  • Meditate: Engaging in activities that promote mindfulness, such as meditation or yoga, can help you relax.

Contact a Counselor

Did you know you can text, chat online, or talk to a counselor for free at any time? NYC Well offers free and confidential mental health support, available 24/7 in more than 200 languages, for you or someone you care about. Counseling is available in many areas, including:

  • Depression – includes feeling sad or worthless, changes in appetite, loss of pleasure in activities you once enjoyed, thoughts of death or suicide
  • Anxiety – feelings of tension, worried thoughts. Physical symptoms can include sweating, trembling, dizziness, or rapid heartbeat
  • Stress – mental or emotional strain that can include feelings of pressure, anxiety, and worry
  • Alcohol or drug misuse – may include cravings for a substance, needing alcohol or drugs to feel normal, and increased tolerance to drugs

For additional services to connect to care and find mental health resources, visit Mental Health for All .

Talk to a counselor

  • Text
    Text “WELL” to 65173 to text with a counselor.
  • Chat
    Go to the NYC Well website to chat with a counselor or peer support specialist.
  • Talk
    Call 888-NYC-WELL to speak with a counselor or peer support specialist.

NYC Well can also connect you with other mental health and support services that work best for you, such as counselors, youth peer advocates, and a variety of community based services. NYC Well counselors will listen to what you want and refer you to services that will make you feel comfortable, safe, and affirmed in who you are.

Learn more about NYC Well

Support at School

Most schools have counselors on-site to help guide you through challenges, or if you just need someone to talk to. Your conversations will stay private between you and the counselor.

To learn more about mental health services your school offers and how to get them, visit the Department of Education website.

YouthHealth Clinics

The City’s public hospital system can also help you find someone to talk to about problems, however big or small. Anyone under the age of 18 can visit the YouthHealth Clinics located around the city to get free, confidential support.

Learn more about YouthHealth Clinics