You may be able to get cash help if you cannot pay your bills because you lost your job, are getting less pay from your job, or had another emergency like an unexpected medical situation. This help is called “Emergency Assistance” or a “One Shot Deal.”
- Emergency assistance can help you if:
- you are experiencing homelessness or will lose your housing if you do not get help.
- your gas or electricity has been shut off, or you got a notice saying that it will be shut off.
- you lost clothes, personal items, or furniture because of theft, a fire, or a natural disaster.
- you are affected by domestic violence.
- you have other issues that affect the health and safety of you or your family.
- You may be required to pay back some or all the Emergency Assistance. HRA will let you know if and how much to pay back.
- You may apply for Emergency Assistance even if you got it before. If you were asked to pay back a past grant but did not, your eligibility for a new grant may be affected.
Who is eligible
Eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis. Factors that may be considered include:
- income (earned and unearned)
- household size
- the reason for the need, like as losing a job
- available savings and resources
- affordability of housing
- disability
- a future plan to pay the expense moving forward
- citizenship or immigration status
What you need to apply
Specific documents will be requested on a case by case basis. They may include:
- Birth certificate or Social Security Number and/or a photo ID for each adult in the household
- Proof of income for all members of your household
- Bills or letters from the landlord for monthly rent, and rent owed
- Copies of court orders
- Lease
After you give HRA the information it needs for your application they will make a decision as soon as possible.
HRA will send you a notice if they need more information or documents from you.
How to apply
Apply online for Emergency Assistance through the ACCESS HRA website or the ACCESS HRA Mobile App. Indicate that it is for a “One Shot Deal”.
Apply in person by visiting your nearest HRA Benefits Access Center.
After you apply, you must have an interview to get Emergency Assistance or a One Shot Deal.
How to get help
Get help in person
Visit an HRA Benefits Access Center near you.
If you’re at risk of entering shelter, contact Homebase.
Call the HRA Infoline
Call 718-557-1399
Monday – Friday
8 a.m – 5 p.m
Other Cash & Expenses Programs
Fair Fares NYC (FFNYC)
NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA)
Ride for half price
Save 50% on public transportation including subway fares, eligible bus fares, and Access-A-Ride paratransit trips.
NYC Free Tax Prep
NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP)
Free tax prep services
You might qualify for free tax filing help with NYC Free Tax Prep.
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP); Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Tax savings for working individuals and families
Tax credit worth up to $11,000 for low to moderate-income workers and families, especially those with children.
Updated January 30, 2023