Fresh Air offers free summer camps for NYC children and youth each summer. Sign your child up for one of the following programs happening throughout the summer
  • Sleepaway Camp: Campers ages 8-15 learn to swim, hike wooded trails, and learn about the environment while exploring in the outdoors. Campers return home with more confidence, new talents and new friends.
    • Limited to youth, ages 8 – 15, who have previously participated in any Fresh Air Fund program. (Siblings of former campers are also eligible to apply.) 
  • Fresh Air Summer Spaces: Summer Spaces provides fun, free and safe play spaces for NYC children ages 5-12Supervised activities include arts and crafts, sports, STEM activities, obstacle courses and more!
  • Fresh Air Family Wellness: At The Fresh Air Fund’s camps in New York’s Mid-Hudson Valley, families enjoy overnight trips and explore nature, spend time together and participate in camp activities like swimming, hiking, fishing, arts & crafts and boating.
  • Fresh Air Summer Teen Academy: Programs for teens, ages 13-17, including opportunities for earning credentials, internships and job readinessWorkshops include developing leadership skills, professional development, college readiness and more!

How to apply

  • Sign up for all camps using the Family Portal
  • View application requirements and required documents here