2 Months

Discover tips, tools, and support for this age

Your baby is already learning and growing! Continue to encourage them as they begin to smile at people, notice sounds, and pay attention to faces. Your baby is probably also sleeping a lot—up to 18 hours per day.

Scroll down to learn more about your baby’s development, get support for your family, and find free activities to go to together.


The Early Childhood Family Toolkit

The Early Childhood Family Toolkit is a growing collection of our favorite resources for families with young kids. Discover learn-at-home tips and activities, health support, and more—all chosen by the NYC Department of Education.


Explore our favorite family resources

Brain Building

Learn through life's everyday moments

As you shop, think about what your child might be seeing and discuss it with them while paying attention to sights, sounds, and smells. "Do you hear someone talking? It's the lady over there." "What do you smell? It smells yummy." "See that red thing? It's an apple we're going to buy."

See what your child is learning

Talking to your child about what they see, hear, and smell—even before they can talk much—is how they learn to make sense of the world. It is how they learn words and what they mean. By describing their "Cart Vision," you're also helping them feel important and understood.


Skills babies develop as they play, learn, speak, act, and move are called milestones. Learn about milestones to help you understand your baby's development and act early if you have concerns.

Around 2 month olds, many babies:

  • Social

    • Begin to smile at people
    • Briefly calm themselves
    • Try to look at parent
  • Communication

    • Notice sounds
    • Make noises like vowel sounds, squeals, gurgles, and coos
  • Learning

    • Pay attention to faces
    • Begin to follow things with their eyes and recognize people at a distance
    • Begin to act bored by crying or fussing if an activity doesn't change
  • Physical Development

    • Hold head up and begin to push up when lying on stomach
    • Make smoother movements with arms and legs
  • Health

    • Get needed nutrition from breast milk or formula
    • Feed 8 to 12 times per day
    • Steadily gain weight
    • Sleep up to 18 hours per day
    • Stay on schedule with shots

Act early by talking to a doctor, teacher, or social worker if your child:

  • Act Early

    • Doesn't respond to loud sounds
    • Doesn't watch things as they move
    • Doesn't smile at people
    • Doesn't bring hands to mouth
    • Can't hold head up when pushing up while they're on their tummy


Get the support your family needs to thrive

Newborn Home Visiting Program (NHVP)

NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene (DOHMH)

Home visits for first-time parents

First-time parents can get support from a health professional to help with breastfeeding, health and safety tips, and connect to community resources.

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

NYS Department of Health (NYS DOH)

Healthy food for families

Free healthy food, counseling about healthy eating, breastfeeding support, and referrals for women, infants, and children under five.

Safe Sleep Initiative

NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene (DOHMH); NYC Administration for Children's Services (ACS)

Safe sleep education and cribs for babies

Families can get information on creating a safe sleep environment for their baby and may qualify for a free crib.