Job training and employment for low-income youth ages 16-24

Train & Earn | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)

Work Teen Young Adult

Train & Earn is a short-term program for low-income youth (ages 16-24) who are not working nor in school. Youth can get training to improve their job skills and find permanent work, as well as HSE prep.

  • Train & Earn can help you get:
    • a permanent job.
    • high school equivalency (HSE) if you need it.
    • education and training after high school.
  • You can enroll at different times throughout the year.
  • After finishing the program, you can get follow-up services for up to 12 months.

Who is eligible

To be eligible for Train & Earn, you should be able to answer yes to these questions:

  1. Are you a resident of NYC?
  2. Are you 16-24 years old?
  3. Are you not attending school? (i.e. you have not graduated high school, you do not have a high school equivalency diploma)
  4. Are you not working?
  5. Do you meet one of these requirements:
    • You are a homeless or runaway youth.
    • You are a foster care youth or have aged out of the foster care system.
    • You are involved in the justice system.
    • You are a youth with a disability.
    • You are pregnant or a parent.
    • You are low-income and need more help to enter or complete an education program, or to get or hold a job.

You must be able to work lawfully in the United States to participate in paid work experiences.

How to apply

Find a program on the DiscoverDYCD website by typing “Train & Earn” into the “Program Search” box. Contact a program near you to apply.

How to get help

  • Call DYCD Community Connect at 800-246-4646 if you have questions about this program.
  • Visit the DYCD website for more information.

Other Work Programs

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Jobs Plus

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Learn & Earn (formerly the In-School Youth Program)

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Updated June 24, 2022