SONYC is an after school program for students in grades 6, 7, and 8. SONYC activities include dance, music, sports, fashion, cooking, and more.
- Young people can take part in programs for free.
- Programs take place three hours each day, five days per week.
Who is eligible
All New York City students, in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade, are eligible to enroll in SONYC programs.
How to apply
You can use Discover DYCD to find programs in your area. To get started:
- Go to the Discover DYCD website.
- Select “Afterschool Programs” and click “Search”.
- Type “School’s Out New York City (SONYC)” into the “Keyword Search” box.
- Find programs in your area by entering your zip code, neighborhood, or borough, and clicking “Search”.
You can apply directly with the program you select.
You can also enroll your child in a SONYC program by contacting the program staff at your child’s school.
How to get help
- Visit the SONYC website to learn more.
- Call DYCD Community Connect at 800-246-4646 for more information.
- Call or visit the after school program staff at your child’s school for more information.
Other Enrichment Programs
STEM Matters NYC
NYC Public Schools
STEM Matters NYC Summer Enrichment Programs
STEM Matters NYC offers many exciting and hands-on STEM programs for K-12 students during spring break and summer.
Comprehensive After School System of NYC (COMPASS NYC)
NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
Afterschool programs for students
COMPASS NYC has hundreds of programs for young people in kindergarten through 12th grade.
NYC Youth Leadership Councils (YLC)
NYC Service
Leadership opportunities for youth
With YLCs, youth can help their communities by shaping policy, practice, and advocacy for citywide change.
Updated April 8, 2022